Band Bios


Funny Stuff



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NOTE: Some of these photos have been altered from their original shape. Sorry to anyone who's copyright protection was violated. There's no profit or gain from publishing these, we're just having fun, so call off the lawyers.... 

 Funny Album Covers

We almost named our band "Harley, Farley, Charley and Clod" WOW! That was a close one!

God is Fabulous, but this album sux...

That's right, a SIGNED copy of the Goodmans' 99 & 44/100%

"He Touched Me" Nothing more need be said......

Siceramenta Your Amigos! (Translation: Friends Sucking Together)

Check out that chick's hair!

The ladies dig guys in Leather Johnny. Even if you do shoe horn your hair piece on....

This album cover makes me have to pee.....

"We are persuaded" to act like a couple of asses! Here's Bill Glathier's Trio held by the Dorfus CrackTractor Duo.



One time we actually built a hot robot drummer. Check her out.

Building our robot








Funny Stuff

Our good friend and favorite Soldier, 2nd Lt. Dale McCurdy poses with our shirt and some ANA guards in Kandahar, Afghanistan after Dorfus CrackTractor's world tour tragically ended in June of 2005. 

Our first band photo...

110 N. Main - P.O. Box 127
Medicine Lodge, KS 67104

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Copyright 2005 DorfusCrackTractor All Rights Reserved.